
Master Cellarman Two Griffins 2024

As tenants here at the Wych Elm, a Fuller's pub, we're thrilled to have been awarded Master Cellarman Two Griffins in recognition of our outstanding beer quality. The Master Cellarman accolade rewards exceptional cellar standards and brilliant beer-keeping. It’s a mark of premium quality that you can rely on – and it’s not a title Fullers give away lightly. To earn the honour, a pub must score 90% or more in four consecutive assessments, with marks easily lost for even the slightest smear on a pint glass.

To receive Two Griffins within the Master Cellarman award, we’ve sustained a cellar audit score of at least 95% on 4 consecutive unannnounced visits from Asahi’s Trade Quality team.

Unfortunately we missed out on the highest accolade possible, the Master Cellarman Three Griffins award by only 2 marks: 

November 2022 = 98%, June 2023 = 100%, November 2023 = 100%, March 2024 = 100%

We think it’s fair to say you won’t get a better pint in Kingston! Thanks and congratulations to our team; Pete, Adrian and Patrick for maintaining the highest standards of Innkeeping we aspire to every day.

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